Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Today I am nurturing my gratitude for Zumba, one of the most fun 'workouts' I have done in a while. So Zumba is basically a dance class, with latin, hip-hop, bellydance, and fitness moves blended together; the 'dance-fitness' routine is broken down and simple enough for most people to follow. The other great thing I found about Zumba is that in addition to fitness, the focus is on fun - the instructor was concentrating on her moves, but she was also able to create a light and fun atmosphere by improvising, and well, having fun. There were over 30 people in this fitness studio and we were all having a good time! In fact, there was even a girl on crutches moving to the latin grooves, so yep, Zumba is for everyone!

As I was grooving and 'working out' to Zumba music and moves, I ended up having one of my work fantasies - perhaps I can become a Zumba instructor? In the last six months I have fantasized about being a banker, a server, a writer, and now, a Zumba instructor. Good news: Zumba is THAT fun; bad news, this is not looking good for my target goal of making it through my first year as a nurse, in the hopes that my second year will be better and brighter. I had once heard a high level government official talk about how she had often wanted to work in retail; at the time, I had thought to myself, "Why would someone with a PhD, working such a prestigious job (she now happens to be the economic advisor of a country, although she never got to fulfill her retail worker fantasy), ever want to work retail?" Well, here I am, finally a professional and a non-student, and I am having work fantasies of being a restaurant server...

Here's the link to Zumba world (in case you missed the link above):

And yes, I did check the 'Instructor Training' section, although for now, I'll just continue to enjoy the fabulous dance classes being offered at my local Y :)

Thought I would finish the post with a lil' background on how I came across Zumba, since I've been musing upon it for a while. I first saw the Zumba logo last year in Seattle, as my boyfriend and I were exploring the city and its neighbourhoods. At that time, I wondered to myself, "What's Zumba?" and that was that. Then, just this past Christmas, my lovely boyfriend got me a Wii for Christmas, and of course, I started researching all the fitness 'games' available through Wii. I came across Zumba again, did a search for it, and it seemed pretty cool. As 2011 rolled around, I like most people, reaffirmed my resolution of becoming fit, started looking around for fitness classes, et voila! Zumba classes at my local Y, and lots of them too! I guess you notice things that you are thinking about (even if subconsciously), or as 'The Secret' book would say, I have put my Zumba force out to the universe somehow, and now I can get my groove on, rekindle my passion for latin music and dancing, and feel happy while working out!

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